Thursday, September 9, 2010



Decorate a Turtle- Ahead of time, cut out small circles, squares, triangles and rectangles from construction paper. Cut out a turtle head, legs and tail from green construction paper. With your child, glue head, tail, and legs around the rim of a paper plate. Draw eyes and a smile on the turtle face. Use the shapes to decorate the “shell” of the turtle. While working, talk about the name and characteristics of the shapes.


Turtle Game-Print out 6 different pictures of a pretend turtles (such as Franklin), and glue on an 8.5 x 11 in. piece of paper to make a game board. Print out these same pictures again, and glue each one onto half of a note card to make playing cards. Next, print out 6 different pictures of real turtles and glue on an 8.5 x 11 in. piece of paper to make a second game board. Print out the same pictures again and glue each one onto half of a note card to make 6 more playing cards.

How to play-Shuffle the cards together and place face down. First player picks a card. If the card matches a picture on their game board they place the card over that picture on the board. If the card does not match they put it back on the bottom of the pile. The next player takes a turn. The first person to cover their entire board wins.

Talk about the differences between real and pretend as you play. This is a great activity because your child is getting sorting practice while they play.

Language Arts

Syllables-Write the word turtle down and talk about the letter “t” and the sound “t” makes. Talk about how the word turtle has two syllables – “tur” and “tle.” Practice clap once for each syllable as you practice the word.

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