Children are naturally curious and have lots of questions! It is easy to turn their questions into great teachable moments if you understand scientific inquiry process.
Below are the steps for the basic process of scientific inquiry learning:
1. Question
Ask a question that can be tested. Great questions come from great experiences. Take your child to the zoo, hiking, to the aquarium, on a picninc, on a back yard critter search, cloud watching, etc.
2. Predict
After you've identified the question to test, predict what you think the result of the investigation will be.
3. Observe
Use the five senses to make observations.
4. Measure
Make observations using measurement.
5. Compare
Identify similarities and differences among objects or events (this can include measurement).
6. Organize
Compile and order data. Use illustrations, make object graphs, etc.
7. Interpret Data
Identify patterns or relationships in the data.
8. Communicate
Explain learned information orally, in writing, with pictures, or with modes.