September's theme is Outdoors/Forest Animals. Lily and I are taking a trip to the Cincinnati Nature Center for their "Preparing for Night" activities. She will be learning about nocturnal animals so I thought this would tie in well.
These lessons are not meant to be drawn out or elaborate. Preschoolers don't have a very lengthy attention span so you may want to separate lesson plans or cut some out all together. Remember, every child is different so what may work with my daughter may not work for you! We are probably going to start off doing "preschool" an hour or less a day.
Monday- No school - Labor Day
Bible Reading and Prayer-Pray for wisdom and learning for both of us. Read parts of Genesis 1, talking briefly about how God made the animals.
Calendar- I have a blank calendar that Lily and I fill in with the date as we go along. It's great because we use essential vocabulary such as today, tomorrow, yesterday (important for math and social studies), and it gets her more familiar with reading numbers. We fill in fun plans and holidays, too. This only takes a minute or two.
L.A.- Practice reading and writing the letter "O"
Ohio Academic Content Standard: Print letters of own name and other meaningful words with assistance using mock letters and/or conventional print.
Activity: Trace and color the owl picture and the letter "o."
Math- Make a circle.
Ohio Academic Content Standard: Identify, name, create and describe common two-dimensional shapes in the environment and play situations (e.g., circles, triangles, rectangles and squares).
Activity: Create a circle (use play-doh, pipe cleaners, markers, crayons...whatever you'd like). Help your child describe the circle (it's round, it doesn't have any straight sides, etc.) Explain that it's called a circle. Look around the room to find other circles.
Science/P.E.-Hunt for food like an owl
Ohio Academic Content Standard: Identify common needs (e.g., food, air, water) of familiar living things.
Activity: Read a book about owls or if you don't have one on hand or have time to get to the library just talk about how owls need to eat like we do. Take turns hiding a play mouse or snake in the house and having the child fly around trying to find the toys. You can tell them that it's day and they have to go sleep while you hide the toys and then tell them it's night and they can start searching. Talk about why owls need to eat.
Bible Reading and Prayer-Pray for wisdom and learning for both of us. Read parts of Genesis 1, talking briefly about how God made the animals.
L.A.-Listen to different owl calls
Ohio Academic Content Standard: Differentiate between sounds that are the same and different (e.g., environmental sounds, animal sounds, phonemes).
Activity: Play an owl sound from a website such as one provided in the link below. Then, play either the same sound again or a different one and ask your child if the sounds were the same or different. Repeat with new calls. This activity may sound crazy but they actually use this kind of stuff during testing.
Math/Art: Owl Craft
Ohio Academic Content Standard: Identify, name, create and describe common two-dimensional shapes in the environment and play situations (e.g., circle, triangles, rectangles and squares).
Activity: Make the owl craft provided in the link below and talk about the shapes you are using (circles and triangles).
Science: Make Owl Kool-aid
Ohio Academic Content Standard: Identify common needs (e.g., food, air, water) of familiar living things.
Activity- Have your child fly around like an owl and remind them of the game they played yesterday and how owl's need food for energy. After a while of flying around ask them if they are thirsty. Talk with them about how owls get thirsty too and they need to drink water to live. Take a break and make some Kool-Aid with your child.
Bible Reading and Prayer-Pray for wisdom and learning for both of us. Read parts of Genesis 1, talking briefly about how God made the animals.
L.A.- Words that rhyme with "Owl"
Ohio Academic Content Standard: Identify matching sounds and recognize rhymes in familiar stories, poems, songs and words (e.g., cat/hat, dog/frog).
Activity-write the word "owl" and brainstorm rhyming words with your child (growl, howl...)
Math- Make a Square
Ohio Academic Content Standard: Identify, name, create and describe common two-dimensional shapes in the environment and play situations (e.g., circles, triangles, rectangles and squares).
Activity: Create a square (use play-doh, pipe cleaners, markers, crayons...whatever you'd like). Help your child describe the square (it has four sides, they are all straight sides, etc.) Explain that it's called a square. Look around the room to find other squares.
Science- Owls Need Air!
Ohio Academic Content Standard: Identify common needs (e.g., food, air, water) of familiar living things.
Activity- Have child briefly hold their breath. Ask them how they felt. Explain that we all need air to live. Owls also need air. You can blow up a balloon to show them that air takes up space and is invisible. Practice quickly flying around like an owl and see how you need to breathe more air.
Music- Sing any of the silly owl songs at the link below!
Bible Reading and Prayer-Pray for wisdom and learning for both of us. Read parts of Genesis 1, talking briefly about how God made the animals.
L.A.- Read an Owl Story
Ohio Academic Content Standard: Retell information from informational text.
Read a simple non-fiction story about owls with your child. When you finish reading ask them what they remembered. Help them as they try to retell some important facts.
Math- Make a Rectangle
Ohio Academic Content Standard: Identify, name, create and describe common two-dimensional shapes in the environment and play situations (e.g., circles, triangles, rectangles and squares).
Activity- Create a rectangle (use play-doh, pipe cleaners, markers, crayons...whatever you'd like). Help your child describe the rectangle (it has four sides, they are all straight sides, etc.) Explain that it's called a rectangle. Look around the room to find other rectangle. If it's nice outside you could even use chalk to make a rectangle!
Science- Owl Memory Game
Ohio Academic Content Standard: Recognize physical differences among the same class of people, plants, or animals (e.g., dogs come in many sizes and colors).
Activity- Find pictures of four different types of owls (I just used an online encyclopedia). Print out two of each picture (for example, print two of the same picture of the snowy owl, two of the barn owl, two of the screech owl, etc.) Cut and glue to notecards to make cards for a matching game. Place all cards face down on the floor. Have child turn over one card, and then one more card trying to find the match. If they find the match they make take another turn. Play ends when a match is not made. The person with the most matches at the end wins. While playing talk about the different features of the owls (keep it simple, like color, size, etc.).
We are taking a field trip to CNC tonight!
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